It is a comprehensive insurance policy that offers economic safeguard against risks faced by ongoing construction projects, installation projects, and machines and equipment in project operation.

Machinery Breakdown policy is an engineering insurance cover for all kinds of plant and machinery units – this policy covers the cost of repairs or replacement of damaged parts resulting from unforeseen damages.

Accidents, breakdown or failure of machinery critical to an industrial or manufacturing unit can hamper operations thereby resulting in losses.
These critical units like boilers, pressure vessels or any other essential machines can be covered under the Machinery Loss of Profit Insurance Policy.

An Electronic Equipment Insurance policy is a protecting solution that provides comprehensive coverage for the electronic equipment used for your organization’s operations.
It includes physical loss or damage to all electronic equipment and data media. This policy also covers the increased in cost of operations resulting from damage to electronic equipment.


ll projects involving storage of equipment, moving or expanding a facility, or dismantling and re-constructing it, leave your organisation open to significant risk.
The Erection All Risk Insurance assures protection against such risks. The comprehensive nature of its coverage makes it a suitable solution for businesses with diverse needs.
Click here to know more about our Erection All Risk Policy.

A civil construction site is susceptible to incidents like pilferage, theft, damage, legal claims etc.
We understand that contractors are required to ensure completion of a civil construction project within a stipulated deadline.
A Contractor’s All Risk Insurance Policy comprehensively covers risks including physical loss or damage to property, plant, machinery and tools, works brought on to the site and temporary works erected on-site, as well as third party liability related to work conducted on the site.

Factory operations stand the risk of delays due to damaged machinery.
This damage to machinery not only hampers operations but also leads to loss of profit.
An Advance Loss of Profit Insurance is a protecting solution that is designed to cover losses occurring due to delay / halt in operations.
This protecting solution is designed for Principles and needs to be concurrent with Material Damage Project Insurance.


Constructions sites heavily rely on machinery used for day-to-day operations.
This includes jobs like hauling and moving material, excavating earth and debris, round-the-clock generation of power etc.
A Contractor’s Plant and Machinery Insurance Policy is a hassle-free protecting solution that covers your machinery, minimising repair costs.