Fire and special perils policy is an insurance contract that safeguards the insured against unforeseen contingency caused by accidental fire, lightning, explosion/implosion, destruction or damage caused by aerial devices, manmade perils in the form of riots, strike etc, natural calamities like storm, ...
Key Features The policy covers
Explosion / Implosion
Aircraft Damage
Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage (RSMD)
Storm, Tempest, Cyclone, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, Food, Inundation (STFI)
Impact damage by any rail/ road/ vehicle/ animal (other than own)
Subsidence, Landslide and Rock slide
Missile Testing Operations
Bush Fire
Bursting and / or overflowing of water tank, Apparatus and Pipes
Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler Installation